Sabado, Oktubre 12, 2013

Blogpost 2: Journey Of Souls

After introducing Life after Death in Mythology, Now I still wondering where do Souls go after death? I find it hard to find some articles in my topic but still I'm willing to search and search and search until I satisfy myself. I know my topic is so hard to search but it's still interesting.

Where do Souls Go After Death? First, According to Dr. Richard P. Bucher this article entitled Where Does the Soul Go After Death? (Paradise or Soul Sleep) ? on the site ."First, they hold that at death the soul does not leave the body; both soul and body sleep until the Day of Christ’s return. Second, they teach that the soul has no consciousness as it sleeps; it is aware of nothing. What is the basis for these two premises? They base their argument primarily on passages that speak of death as sleep (or unconsciousness) and passages that speak of bodies awakening on the Last Day."

After reading the articles I found out that this is more according on the Bible. The word Soul Sleep is another term for Death, because when someone who died is just looks like he is sleeping,

After a little search I found many answers in my question.

It says that the souls of the unbelievers go to a place of punishment until the Last Day. The souls of the believers go to be with the Lord in Paradise.

Now moving on to another article this article is entitled Death and the afterlife, by Ryuho Okawa found at
This article says that,
"During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he/she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:
1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) 
2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. 
3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”.

(c) River Styx
To explain further After a person accepts that he/she is dead, “an expert spirit guide” comes to meet him. An expert spirit will take the person to the River Styx, which divides this world and the next. Crossing the River Styx in essence this represents a border in the person's consciousness and once the person crossed the river, he can't return back to the physical world. After the person crossing the River Styx he/she will go to the place called " Mirror of Truth", this place is like a movie theater that the movie is all about your life where the record of his/her life is projected on a Mirror while many Souls are there to watch it revealing his/her thoughts to the audience. Then after the screening is over, the person will realized the result and if there are lessons that must be re-learn and then he/she will go to the most suitable place for LEARNING in the SPIRIT WORLD. The Spirit World is "Like Attracts Like" Person goes to the world inhabited by the people with the same his/her type of mind. If that person is inhabited with the wrong person he goes to Hell and likewise he goes to Heaven.

After reading this articles I found out that there are many beliefs if where really our souls go. Some people says that when your dead your soul or spirit begins a new life in a new body can be a human, animals or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions.
No matter what people believes in I still knows that after our death we will be with our beloved God.

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