Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013

Blogpost 1: An Introduction to Life After Death

Is there really a Life after Death?

Back when I was in high school my teacher asked us, "For you what is Life after death?"
I paused for a seconds, that time a question asked in my mind. "Is there really a life after death?"
I wonder if Afterlife is true? and now I came up to this topic because I want to answer the question in my mind.
 I am Melodie Tandoc an I am really interested in this topic because I really want to search if Life After Death is Real. That after we die where our souls will go? And that's why I'm interested in this topic.

In Mythology, According to John H. Taylor an article entitled Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt I found this at"Of all the ancient peoples, the Egyptians are perhaps best known for the fascinating ways in which they grappled with the mysteries of death and the afterlife. This beautifully illustrated book draws on the British Museum's world-famous collection of mummies and other funerary evidence to offer an accessible account of Egyptian beliefs in an afterlife and examine the ways in which Egyptian society responded materially to the challenges these beliefs imposed."

I learned that In Egyptian Life after death,  The dead were provided with food and drink, weapons, and toiletry articles. Tombs were often visited by the family, who brought new offerings. The Egyptian strongly believed in life after death, the idea of passing from life on earth to life in the hereafter was somewhat obscure, and the concepts concerning the afterlife were complex. They believed that they  hoped not only to extend life beyond the grave, but to become part of the perennial life of nature.

After a little research about the Afterlife in Egypt, and this another article is entitled Greek Mythology Stories | The Underworld Life After Death in Ancient Greeks by  Raju in the website in the article of Raju,

This is the some part of it: "Ancient Greeks believed in Life after Death as per Greek Mythology and religion. The life after death in Greek Mythology is interesting. There is an underworld created specifically for the dead who are transferred to this place by a ferryman of the dead called Charon."

After Reading the article above I realized that in the Greek Mythology . This life after death is not like the other religions which talk about Heaven and Hell. The life after death is in the underworld for both the people who did good deeds and also others who did bad deeds. There were places for punishment and torture for those who did bad deeds. This is like Hell in other religions or Mythologies. There was also a beautiful place known as the Elysian Fields that was reserved for heroes who have done good deeds. This is like Heaven in other religions or Mythologies.

After reading the articles I realized that some articles says that Life after Death is real, even in Mythology It says that Life After Death is true. Maybe some people that is not real but still I believed in Life After Death. I therefore conclude that Life after death in is very an interesting topic. Now I know that in Greek Mythology Life After Death is doesn't have Heaven or Hell that they're both same.

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