Lunes, Oktubre 28, 2013

Blogpost 9: Culture in Afterlife


Culture in Afterlife?

I don't even like History. When I was in High school I really hates the subject all about the History. I thought that Past is past so why are we Studying that kind of thing.
Then I really find it hard to listen to that Subject because I'm not interested in it, then I realized that History and Cultures are Important in every way. Like in Investigation the Past of the victim is important in the Case to Solve the Problem.

As I searched an article I found this article at the site entitled Afterlife by Neni

"Cultures the world over recognize that every life will end in death. However, many claim that some invisible but vital part of the human being—the spirit or soul—continues to exist after death. In some traditions, the individual possesses more than one soul, and each of these may have a separate fate."

In all Ancients and in all Myths Culture of Afterlife is just only the same. Religions throughout the ages have included a belief in an afterlife, a state of being that people enter when they die or a place to which they or their souls go. Myths, legends, and religious texts offer varying visions of the afterlife. These images reveal much about each culture's hopes and fears for the afterlife and often contain lessons about how people should live their lives.

In our daily life we need to know the history of something to know the meaning of it. Try to remember past and Don't forget to.

Blogpost 8: Literature of Afterlife


Books? I'm really not fund of reading Books. Maybe I really hate to read a hundred pages, it really makes me feel Bored. I only choose a book that is very interesting to read, like the topic about Love, Life and Horror. I really don't like books that is not interesting.

Even Harry Potter, I'm not a fan of it. Maybe because I got so bored to read it.
I only love to read when the book has a picture on it.
It let me Imagine what the story is all about.

I searched some Literature about Afterlife then I found this Comic entitled Afterlife by Stormcrow Hayes at the site

"Afterlife" is a manga comic published by Tokyopop. Hayes and Steen first got together in 2001 because they wanted to break into comics, and they wound up freelancing at Tokyopop, Steen doing layouts, Hayes doing adaptations. Soon the idea became big enough that Hayes wanted to “tackle the bigger questions, such as the meaning of life! I think this book has something for everyone: action, adventure, a love story, and philosophical musings about our existence." 

After reading this, I suddenly realized that it's a somehow a fact. As what I said I still prefer to read a Comic that a Book. This Comic is a non real story, but some of the part of the story it states a Fact, like Yes It's true that when a people die it will go to Afterlife.
I just want to inform others that this comic is not really a New one but it's interesting.

Sabado, Oktubre 26, 2013

Blogpost 7: Symbols of Aftelife?


Whenever I saw like this symbols, I don't even understand what is the meaning of it.
I know some symbols of Afterlife but I didn't know that some of things are symbols of Afterlife. While we are sleeping, in our dreams there are some of symbols that we don't know the meaning of it. I only know that Skull, Grim Reaper, and Cemetery. Now I want to explore more about some symbols about Afterlife.

As I search about what are the symbols of Afterlife I found some Animals that are related to the Afterlife then I searched this article entitled Dog Meaning and Symbolism by Avia Venefica at the site this is according to her experience,

 I'll let you in on a little secret: Once upon a time the sound of barking dogs put my nerves in a "tilt." Worse than scrapes down a chalkboard; barking and yapping dogs would send me in a nervous tailspin.

I do really love Dogs, that I don't even really know that the dogs are a symbol of Afterlife.
Dogs are related in Myths, Dogs occupied a most powerful place of culture in America. It says that dogs  carries the newly deceased across a body of water in the afterlife.

Do you even heared the word Memento Mori?
This is a Latin word means remember that you will Die.
This is a Symbolic reminder of Impossible to avoid Death.

According to the article entitled Memento mori: It's time we reinvented death by the Scientist at the site

The story may be apocryphal, but the phrase is now applied to art intended to remind us of our mortality - from the Grim Reaper depicted on a medieval clock to Damien Hirst's bejewelled skull.

All of us knows that at the right time we will going to die, but we really don't know When it will happened. Just don't waste the time that God given to us.

Biyernes, Oktubre 25, 2013

Blogspot 6: Experiencing Afterlife (Videos)

Video of Travelling with God,

When I was in high school a friend of mine told me that I must watch the video about the Girl's Soul who travel in the Heaven and Hell.
The story of a Girl named Angelica Zambrano Mora her soul travel for 23 hours in the Heaven and Hell and the Return of Christ.

I actually didn't finished it because I even can't understand the Story.

But then Now when I finally watched it then Finished it I felt so Sad or those who people are now in Hell. :(

I Read an article by Tom Ascol, entitled The Horror of Hell at the site that I can relate some part of the Video.

On earth even atheists enjoy the benefits of God’s goodness. But in hell, these blessings will be nonexistent. Those consigned there will remember God’s goodness, and will even have some awareness of the unending pleasures of heaven, but they will have no access to them.

and this another article entitled Heaven by Gerrit Scott Dawson at the same site of and I can relate this article to the other part of the video.

 First, heaven can mean simply the sky above us, either the atmosphere where the birds fly or space where the stars are flung. In that sense, heaven is simply part of this reality where we live. Second, heaven can mean the realm of God, a “place” beyond our sense perception. Heaven in this sense is spiritual, for “God is spirit” .
The story of the video is all about how Angelica traveled at the heaven and hell. First of all this is a True Story.
She is a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica who's shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ.
This is the second time of Angelica to experience this kind of thing. When she was asleep her soul travel with God. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected God, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to satan. She saw the Latina singer Selena Quintanilla Perez in hell. Selena told her to tell the people on earth not to listen to or sing her songs. She also saw Pope John Paul the second in hell. She testifies that Michael Jackson is in hell. She also saw kids in hell. She saw a vision of the rapture, and saw some pregnant women who were left on Earth but their babies were raptured out of their stomach. God also says that Purgatory is not really true, the only thing is real is Heaven and Hell.

While I was watching this video I felt so scared then I realized that I will change for the better not for worst. I believe that Heaven and Hell are real, so now while we're still alive we must do Good things because when we die there are no Opportunity for us to change anymore. Now we have the chance to change we must do it because when we did not? We will Regret of it at the End. Now I will change everything for God. :)

John 4:24, "24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Martes, Oktubre 22, 2013

Blogspot 5: Paintings of Afterlife

Paintings of Afterlife?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is Famous show in the New York City, even in Philippines we all know Ninja Turtles. Yes we all know that Ninja Turtles are a fictional team of Four teenage Turtles, Why am I talking about Teenage Turtles when my blogpost #5 is all about the Paintings of Afterlife? We all know that The 4 Teenage Turtles named: Leonardo (Leo), Michelangelo (Mike or Mikey), Donatello (Don or Donnie), and Raphael (Raph). Do we really know them? The 4 Ninja Turtles name are came from the name of the Famous Painter around the world. Leonardo da Vinci as, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni as Michelangelo, Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi as Donatello, and Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino as Raphael. They are some Famous painter around the world.

This painting is painted by Hieronymus Bosch entitled Paradise and Hell in the site of I found an Article about this painting at the site

This is the summarize of the article:

The painting shows the reality through painting the left panel shows that the Creation and Garden of Eden. The painting is divided into many sections, beginning at the top and ending at the bottom. The right panel is based on the Book of Genesis and the Right panel is based on the Book of Revelation.

The Left panel, in the top we can see there God sits enthroned in Heaven while the world is Created. The Angels toss the Rebel Angels out of the Heaven, when the Rebel Angels thrown out of heaven, they turn into an Insects. Moving downward in the next section the scene shows that God created Eve and introducing her to Adam. The third section the Serpent  offers Adam and Eve a Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL and at the bottom panel, an angel expels Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, and they become ashamed of their Nakedness.

The Right panel shows the Punishment of Adam and Eve's choice, in which the Vision of Hell is shown. A Burning Building can be seen in the background, and in the foreground, there appear to be several demons constructing a castle. To the lower left, a man is being directed towards a castle by two mutated animals. Just in front of the portcullis is a man riding a cow, being pierced by a sword or spear. At the bottom right, a man is running while being attacked by demonic creatures, while to the lower left a man is being devoured by a large human-legged fish.
The painting shows us the Heaven and Hell, It shows how God created the earth and how Adam and Eve been punished.

Martes, Oktubre 15, 2013

Blogpost 4: Experiencing Near Death - SCIENCE

Near Death Experience?
Really Scary right? Some people they said that they travel in the other dimension while they're sleeping. I'ts very Scary when someone says that She/He encounter that what we called "Near Death Experience."

What Is Near Death Experience?
This is a personal experience are reported after an individual has been pronounced very close to death after seeing the presence of light.

In Science According to Joseph Bennington-Castro article entitled A New Scientific Explanation for Near-Death Experiences at the site states that

"Many people on their deathbeds report seeing a long corridor with a brilliant light at the end of it. Could it be heaven? Probably not. New research shows that these near-death visions may be linked to intense electrical surges that cause "hyper real" thoughts in our brains.
A team of researchers found that during "clinical death," rats exhibit a surge in brain activity, with features similar to a highly aroused human brain. Finally, the researchers saw cross-frequency coupling — where different electrical waves work together — in the rats' brains after cardiac arrest. They found coupling between low-frequency gamma waves and theta waves, as well as low-gamma waves with alpha waves. "
When people are experiencing Near Death they says that they're seeing bright lights and hallucinations but the fact 20 percent of people who survive cardiac arrest where blood effectively stops flowing. The lights that they see comes from the combination of the waves  it represents a conscious control of the brain. That's why they saw the light that they said that is the way to heaven.
This another is about the facts article entitled Near-death experience are 'electrical brain surges' by Honor Whiteman at the site
"Within the first 30 seconds of a cardiac arrest, all rats showed a widespread electrical surge of transient brain activity, which had characteristics similar to a fully active brain."
When I read this article I found out that the person who see's the Light is just comes from the waves that produced. This explained that when the scientist tested it in the rats are caused of dying brain.

After reading this 2 articles they both says that the light that the person saw was just the waves and died because of lack of oxygen. and somehow scientist says that its the fact but still there are people that are believing that light is a light to heaven.

Blogpost 3: Reincarnation After Death

 is the religious or philosophical concept that the spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions.

Yes, Reincarnation? Back to my first blog post, as what I said my teacher in high school asked us If there really Life after Death? and She Asked again one question that day. She asked "Is really Reincarnation True? That After We Died, Our Body Will Begins a New Life But Not as Human Instead as Animals o Etc."

Now, There are many Religions that are believing in Reincarnation after Death. According to Sarah Dowdey her article entitled Reincarnation in Buddhism at the site

Karma And Reincarnation
in Buddhism

"When Buddhism was established 2,500 years ago, it incorporated the Hindu belief in reincarnation. Although Buddhism has two major subdivisions and countless variations in regional practices, most Buddhists believe in samsara or the cycle of rebirth."

Eightfold Path
This article states that Cycling of Birth is called Samsara in Buddhism, Samsara is governed by the Law of Karma: It says that the If you have a Good Conduct you'll producew Good Karma and Bad Conduct produce Bad Karma. Buddhist see unenlightened samsara states that of their Suffering. Buddhists believe that an individual can end the cycle of Reincarnation by following The Eightfold Path. When I was High school my Teacher discussed that Eightfold Path in Buddhism this are the Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, And Right Concentration. In Buddhists an enlightened embodies this Eightfold Path. After the Reincarnation in Buddhism this other one article is now about in Hinduism. According to Reena Yadav at the site entitled Karma and Reincarnation in Hinduism

"Reincarnation occurs when the soul, after the death of the body, come back to life in a newborn body. However, upon birth in the new body, the soul would have forgotten things & life in the previous body. It has to be noted that although the body has changed, the soul remains the same. The body is the “vehicle” which the soul needs to in one life to another. The family, time, place, social society and culture where the reincarnation takes place is decided by the individual soul."

 Now in Hindu Reincarnation occurs when the spirit after death come back to life in a newborn body. Then after the birth in the new body the soul will forgot the things in his'her previous body. Like Buddhism, Hindus see unenlightened samsara states of suffering. They believed that Good Actions Create Good Karma and Evil Actions Create Negative Karma.

After Reading The articles about Reincarnation I really Found out that Religions are just have same Beliefs about Reincarnation, Hinduism and Buddhism believing that If you did Good Actions it will creates Good Karma and If you did Bad Actions it will creates Bad Karma. They also believes that when their body died their Souls went to another body but they will forgot everything in their previous body. And I still believe that Reincarnation is when after we die our Souls will went to Animals and when I died I want to be a Cat/Dog :)

Sabado, Oktubre 12, 2013

Blogpost 2: Journey Of Souls

After introducing Life after Death in Mythology, Now I still wondering where do Souls go after death? I find it hard to find some articles in my topic but still I'm willing to search and search and search until I satisfy myself. I know my topic is so hard to search but it's still interesting.

Where do Souls Go After Death? First, According to Dr. Richard P. Bucher this article entitled Where Does the Soul Go After Death? (Paradise or Soul Sleep) ? on the site ."First, they hold that at death the soul does not leave the body; both soul and body sleep until the Day of Christ’s return. Second, they teach that the soul has no consciousness as it sleeps; it is aware of nothing. What is the basis for these two premises? They base their argument primarily on passages that speak of death as sleep (or unconsciousness) and passages that speak of bodies awakening on the Last Day."

After reading the articles I found out that this is more according on the Bible. The word Soul Sleep is another term for Death, because when someone who died is just looks like he is sleeping,

After a little search I found many answers in my question.

It says that the souls of the unbelievers go to a place of punishment until the Last Day. The souls of the believers go to be with the Lord in Paradise.

Now moving on to another article this article is entitled Death and the afterlife, by Ryuho Okawa found at
This article says that,
"During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he/she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:
1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) 
2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. 
3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”.

(c) River Styx
To explain further After a person accepts that he/she is dead, “an expert spirit guide” comes to meet him. An expert spirit will take the person to the River Styx, which divides this world and the next. Crossing the River Styx in essence this represents a border in the person's consciousness and once the person crossed the river, he can't return back to the physical world. After the person crossing the River Styx he/she will go to the place called " Mirror of Truth", this place is like a movie theater that the movie is all about your life where the record of his/her life is projected on a Mirror while many Souls are there to watch it revealing his/her thoughts to the audience. Then after the screening is over, the person will realized the result and if there are lessons that must be re-learn and then he/she will go to the most suitable place for LEARNING in the SPIRIT WORLD. The Spirit World is "Like Attracts Like" Person goes to the world inhabited by the people with the same his/her type of mind. If that person is inhabited with the wrong person he goes to Hell and likewise he goes to Heaven.

After reading this articles I found out that there are many beliefs if where really our souls go. Some people says that when your dead your soul or spirit begins a new life in a new body can be a human, animals or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions.
No matter what people believes in I still knows that after our death we will be with our beloved God.

Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013

Blogpost 1: An Introduction to Life After Death

Is there really a Life after Death?

Back when I was in high school my teacher asked us, "For you what is Life after death?"
I paused for a seconds, that time a question asked in my mind. "Is there really a life after death?"
I wonder if Afterlife is true? and now I came up to this topic because I want to answer the question in my mind.
 I am Melodie Tandoc an I am really interested in this topic because I really want to search if Life After Death is Real. That after we die where our souls will go? And that's why I'm interested in this topic.

In Mythology, According to John H. Taylor an article entitled Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt I found this at"Of all the ancient peoples, the Egyptians are perhaps best known for the fascinating ways in which they grappled with the mysteries of death and the afterlife. This beautifully illustrated book draws on the British Museum's world-famous collection of mummies and other funerary evidence to offer an accessible account of Egyptian beliefs in an afterlife and examine the ways in which Egyptian society responded materially to the challenges these beliefs imposed."

I learned that In Egyptian Life after death,  The dead were provided with food and drink, weapons, and toiletry articles. Tombs were often visited by the family, who brought new offerings. The Egyptian strongly believed in life after death, the idea of passing from life on earth to life in the hereafter was somewhat obscure, and the concepts concerning the afterlife were complex. They believed that they  hoped not only to extend life beyond the grave, but to become part of the perennial life of nature.

After a little research about the Afterlife in Egypt, and this another article is entitled Greek Mythology Stories | The Underworld Life After Death in Ancient Greeks by  Raju in the website in the article of Raju,

This is the some part of it: "Ancient Greeks believed in Life after Death as per Greek Mythology and religion. The life after death in Greek Mythology is interesting. There is an underworld created specifically for the dead who are transferred to this place by a ferryman of the dead called Charon."

After Reading the article above I realized that in the Greek Mythology . This life after death is not like the other religions which talk about Heaven and Hell. The life after death is in the underworld for both the people who did good deeds and also others who did bad deeds. There were places for punishment and torture for those who did bad deeds. This is like Hell in other religions or Mythologies. There was also a beautiful place known as the Elysian Fields that was reserved for heroes who have done good deeds. This is like Heaven in other religions or Mythologies.

After reading the articles I realized that some articles says that Life after Death is real, even in Mythology It says that Life After Death is true. Maybe some people that is not real but still I believed in Life After Death. I therefore conclude that Life after death in is very an interesting topic. Now I know that in Greek Mythology Life After Death is doesn't have Heaven or Hell that they're both same.
Blue Butterfly FlyingBlue Butterfly Flying